Among Us 2 Is Cancelled For A Good Reason
Among Us is not a new game, recently heard of it's probably a new game no muggers has actually been out since 2018. It's two years old at this point but it just kind of recently blew up and got popular and we can understand, why the format of those games is really really fun. Where they just kind of have that Whodunit Mafia type. You know atmosphere to it well Among Us 2, which was going to be a sequel to Among Us has been cancelled. The developer of the game inner swath basically said that well the first game has gotten so popular that we want to go ahead and take the content that we would have put into a sequel and put it into the first game. Now personally have kind of mixed feelings about that on the one hand, we always really don't like to see sequels cancelled.
Just so that they can put work on putting more time into one game because that just seems to bring about the whole little live service model of game development and we don't know in a lot of cases that just feels like it's disappointing. But on the other hand, there are some really good live service model games out. There that have taken that concept in that format and gone really far with it. There is let me think of one Destiny 2, Warframe, Warzone sort of team Fortress 2 there's one we're all familiar with so you know plus people won't have to pay for a new game. Because on pc anyway, the game is five dollars, we think it's free to play on mobile. We know how they make their money off of that we don't know if it's in-app purchases or ads again we personally have a lot of experience with this.
We think a lot of people are going to be happy that more, content is just going to be coming to the game. They already love and enjoy and think that's a smart move for the developers. They won't be fracturing their player base or splitting them, between the first game and the second game. We think that honestly makes a lot of sense so according to Gamespot some of the features that they are planning on bringing to the game is new servers Colorblind support a friends and account system and a new stage. Pretty exciting stuff you know very basic gameplay features, but still really neat stuff they also said they have quite a few other things in the works. They just kind of need to plan and prioritize and organized and stuff like that.
Now they were asked if they were going to port the game over to consoles like Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One and they basically just sort of said that well-making console ports for this would be complicated and we think the code of Among Us is kind of a mess, which is another reason, why it's going to take time to put the new features in the first game? Possibly the extra complicated selection, because it means going deep into the core code of the game and revamping numerous parts of it. We have lots of aspects planned we're excited to bring new content to everyone as you continue to enjoy playing. So the code sounds like it's kind of a mess which is part of the reason, why it would be so difficult to port the game over to consoles.
But I really hope they find a way to do it, because not only will that bring the game to more people. Who maybe say, we don't know just don't want to play it on their phone or just would love to have it on their console like that you'll get a port of this game because we think that would be really really awesome and it's not like it's a super expensive game. Either it's five dollars now how are they going to keep up with paying for content expansions and probably gonna start selling cosmetics because what game does that's really popular and turns to live service model doesn't do that at this point and we don't think that would be super awful. Think most people could get behind that, but we'll just have to see we don't really know what's going to go on at this point.
But excited for it and we do eventually want to try giving my hand at playing this game. Because we think that would be a lot of fun.
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